pregnancy testing

  • If you are encountering any of these early indicators of pregnancy, according to the Mayo Clinic, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test for confirmation.

    Numerous common symptoms of pregnancy may manifest early on. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, there is a possibility that you might be pregnant, and the next recommended step is to undergo a pregnancy test. Refer to this list of symptoms from the Mayo Clinic to assess if you should consider taking a pregnancy test:

    1. Missed Period

    2. Tender, swollen breasts

    3. Nausea, with or without vomiting

    4. Increased urination Fatigue

    5. Food Cravings or Aversions

    6. Mood Swings

  • For optimal and reliable results, it is recommended to wait until the first day after your missed period. However, acknowledging that every woman is unique and some may experience irregular periods, obtaining accurate results can pose a challenge. Our staff is well-trained to assist you in obtaining the most reliable information, even if you don't have a regular menstrual cycle.

  • Your body generates a hormone commonly known as "the pregnancy hormone" during pregnancy. As you conceive, the levels of these hormones rise in both your blood and urine. A pregnancy test enables us to measure the concentration of this hormone in your urine, providing valuable information to determine whether or not you are pregnant.